Collaboratively Establishing OKRs: A Workshop Guide for Scrum Teams

Collaboratively Establishing OKRs: A Workshop Guide for Scrum Teams

In an increasingly complex work environment, aligning team goals is essential for achieving success. This workshop is designed to collaboratively establish the initial Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) for your team or project, fostering a clear understanding and ownership of the exciting goals that everyone aspires to achieve.

 What is it?

This is a workshop aimed at collaboratively establishing the initial Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) for a team or project to create a clear understanding and ownership of the big and exciting goals that the entire team aspires to achieve.

Scrum team and the stakeholders are invited to participate.

Why is it important?

 Why to use OKRs?

One of the initial challenges when forming Scrum teams is that all team members often have different goals. In such cases, the big picture does not become transparent within the team, and everyone finds it difficult to collaborate and align towards a common goal. 

The OKR approach, compared to setting KPIs, is more inspiring and exciting, allowing the setting of goals and measurable key results that highlight the big picture. It encourages setting short-term goals (~3 months) and offers a flexible approach to changing conditions. It also allows teams to regularly review and update their goals to more challenging ones when necessary.

Conducting an OKR workshop with the participation of all team members and stakeholders ensures alignment, collaboration, and synergy. It strengthens the buy in of team members about the objectives and leads to organizational success by establishing clear objectives and fostering a commitment to achieving them.

Teams become enabled to establish the connection between their work and the company’s main strategies. When they feel how their work contributes, their sense of ownership and the effort they put towards that goal can increase. Therefore, conducting this OKR setting process together as a workshop with stakeholders and the team is valuable.

Since the Product Owner needs to make an opening to align the team and stakeholders with the vision during the workshop, onboard the Product Owner about OKRs before the workshop. Ensure that the Product Owner comes to the workshop prepared regarding the vision by conducting a brainstorming session with them beforehand.

You can see the “How?” section which offers ready-to-use artifacts you can easily apply with oNabu Subscription.

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